
Mark Bristow

Personal Finance Editor


Mark Bristow is RateCity's Home & Personal Finances Editor, and an experienced analyst, researcher, and producer. While primarily focused on Australian mortgage and home loan expertise, he has experience across energy, home and travel insurances. Mark has been a journalist and writer in the financial space for over ten years, previously researching and writing commercial real estate at CoreLogic. In the years since, Mark has worked for the Winning Group, Expedia, and has seen articles published at Lifehacker and Business Insider.

971 articles written by Mark Bristow

Home Loans

Can you make an offer without pre-approval?

You can make an offer to buy a property by private treaty without having pre-approval from a mortgage lender. However, nothing is final until the contracts are exchanged and signed, so you could miss out on your dream property if you can’t get your home loan organised and approved fast enough.


Mark Bristow -

22 Jul, 2024 -

5 min read


How does your energy bill get worked out?

The cost of electricity can directly affect our household budgets. But how exactly is the amount you fork over to a power company each quarter determined? And what can you do to cut some of your costs?


Mark Bristow -

22 Jul, 2024 -

4 min read

Home Loans

Owner occupied home loan tax deductions: What's available?

If you’re buying a house to live in or already own an owner-occupied home, you may not be eligible for any tax deductions. However, if you’re earning an income by renting out your investment property, or are using part of your home for running a business, you may be able to claim a tax deduction for some of the costs you incur.


Mark Bristow -

19 Jul, 2024 -

4 min read

Car Insurance

Does your insurance cover other cars you drive?

Most car insurance policies in Australia are associated with a car, not a driver. Even if you’ve insured your own car, this policy usually won’t apply if you’re driving another vehicle, such as a friend’s car or a rental car. It’s important to check what’s covered before you get behind the wheel, just in case.


Mark Bristow -

16 Jul, 2024 -

3 min read

Car Insurance

How does car insurance work in Australia?

If you own and drive a car in Australia, you are legally required to have at least one form of car insurance: Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance. But with the number of other car insurance options available, choosing the right insurer that suits your needs can get confusing. 


Mark Bristow -

16 Jul, 2024 -

5 min read

Car Insurance

Can I get a refund on car insurance after selling a car?

If you decide to sell your car, what happens to your car insurance? It may be possible to get a car insurance refund after selling your car or otherwise cancelling your policy, though there may be certain terms, conditions and exceptions to consider.


Mark Bristow -

16 Jul, 2024 -

3 min read

Car Insurance

Does car insurance cover driving while intoxicated?

Will your car insurance pay out if drunk driving causes an accident? Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal, however some insurers may still offer cover within the limits of their policy.


Mark Bristow -

16 Jul, 2024 -

3 min read

Car Insurance

Can I get car insurance if my policy was cancelled?

A car insurer will only cancel your policy in extreme cases, and not before giving you written notice. However, this doesn’t stop you from buying another car insurance policy.


Mark Bristow -

15 Jul, 2024 -

4 min read

Car Insurance

Can you register and insure a car without a licence?

You can buy, register and insure a car without a driver’s licence in Australia. But you won’t be covered if you’re involved in an accident when illegally driving the car without a licence.


Mark Bristow -

15 Jul, 2024 -

3 min read

Car Insurance

Car Registration Transfer Fees in NSW | RateCity

Every car owned in NSW must be registered in NSW. This means you must transfer registration to NSW if you purchase a car registered out of state or under another name.


Mark Bristow -

15 Jul, 2024 -

6 min read