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Home Loans Articles

Learn more about how to manage your personal finances with RateCity's home loan articles, including how-to-guides on comparing home loan interest rates, fees, features and other benefits.

Laine Gordon

Money Editor

What are your investment plans this year?

Do you know what investments gave the best returns last year? Using your home loan wisely could net you some pretty good returns.

Home Loans

15 Feb, 2015

3 min read

What are your investment plans this year?
Peter Arnold

Opinion: What's all this chat about an RBA cut?

You may have been hearing more noise than usual about this month’s RBA meeting. The reason for this is it looks like the closest we’ve been to actually having a move by the RBA in about 18 months. Now that this talk has well and truly escaped the finance section and hit the headlines, the questions on many people's lips are why is this and what does it mean for me?

Home Loans

02 Feb, 2015

5 min read

What's all this chat about an RBA cut?
Laine Gordon

Money Editor

Top 5 summer home renovations

Looking for a renovation project to make your home just a little bit nicer this summer? Have a look through this list for some cool ideas.

Home Loans

30 Jan, 2015

4 min read

Top 5 summer home renovations
Laine Gordon

Money Editor

Choosing between a house and a household

Decisions around money and relationships can be life changing - for example, would you choose a house over getting married?

Home Loans

23 Dec, 2014

4 min read

Decisions around money and relationships can be life changing - for example, would you choose a house over getting married?
Laine Gordon

Money Editor

The cost of becoming an ethical buyer

The cost of becoming an ethical buyer

Home Loans

22 Dec, 2014

3 min read

The cost of becoming an ethical buyer
Laine Gordon

Money Editor

Should you fix your home loan?

Should I fix or float my home loan? That's a question you may ask yourself, but what's the answer? For one thing, it can be largely tied up in what the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has set the official cash rate at — and what it plans to do with it in the future.

Home Loans

22 Dec, 2014

3 min read

Should you fix your home loan?
Laine Gordon

Money Editor

Five ways to grow your equity

Having substantial equity in your home can be a huge financial boon. Here are some great ways to maximise the amount you have.

Home Loans

19 Dec, 2014

3 min read

Five ways to grow your equity
Laine Gordon

Money Editor

Where are Australia's million dollar suburbs?

Sydney's median house price crossed the million dollar mark recently. Where else can Australians find similarly high-priced suburbs?

Home Loans

14 Dec, 2014

3 min read

Where are Australia's million dollar suburbs?
Laine Gordon

Money Editor

VIDEO: No rate move before Christmas. December RBA wrap

If you’re a borrower out there with a mortgage, don’t just wait for the RBA to move. The banks are cutting independently there’s a lot of great deals on the market.

Home Loans

02 Dec, 2014

3 min read

VIDEO: No rate move before Christmas. December RBA wrap
Laine Gordon

Money Editor

Cash rate holds: variable borrowers $625 better off in 2014

The Reserve Bank of Australia has passed up the final opportunity of the year to move the cash rate, leaving rates steady at 2.5 percent at today’s board meeting.

Home Loans

02 Dec, 2014

2 min read

Reserve Bank leaves interest rates on hold in December
Laine Gordon

Money Editor

Should Australians be taking their home loans offshore?

Some Australians choose to buy property in foreign locations, rather than domestically. What are the risks, and will it end up being worth it?

Home Loans

01 Dec, 2014

5 min read

Should Australians be taking their home loans offshore?
Kate Wick

Should you buy new or renovate a do-upper?

Taking out a home loan to buy a do-upper is one option. But perhaps a new home is a better option for you? Consider your options carefully.

Home Loans

23 Nov, 2014

3 min read

Should you sign up for a home loan for a new home or renovate?