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Fully drawn loans
What are fully drawn loans?
Fully drawn loans, also known as fully drawn advances, are loans aimed at businesses in Australia. They are appropriate for many types of businesses, including partnerships and sole proprietorships. A fully drawn loan can be used for any purpose by a business, but the lender will carry out a due diligence examination of the potential borrower's financial circumstances to ensure there as few risks as possible in terms of the loan being repaid.
Why do people use fully drawn loans?
Running a business is a tough prospect and it's often the case that you don't have sufficient money at a particular time to buy essential equipment, such as new computers or vehicles. You may want to expand the business, so as well as needing more space, and the increase in cost that implies, you may also want to increase the number of employees you have. Taking out a fully drawn loan will enable you to develop your business in a way that increases your asset base and could provide more workers to expand productivity and thus become more profitable.
What are the main features of fully drawn loans?
This type of loan enables you to borrow a fixed amount of money according to your business needs. That money will be repaid on a regular basis, usually monthly, with a schedule predetermined by the lender that will then be agreed between you. It's often the case that you and the lender will work together so that loan payments are structured to suit your business's cash flow. Interest will be charged on the loan monthly or quarterly, though you may be able to negotiate semi-annual or even annual interest charges.
A loan could also be interest only so that regular payments are smaller and the principal is repaid when the term of the loan ends. For this, a structure needs to be put into place to ensure there is sufficient money to pay off that principal sum.
What are the pros and cons of fully drawn loans?
Fully drawn loans offer businesses access to funds they may not be able to access in other ways. They can offer a significant boost to your business, and as an entrepreneur you are always likely to be seeking to expand. These types of loan are aimed at helping you do that.
You should always have a sound business plan to present to your lender and keep a keen eye on interest rates. If you take a fixed rate you get stable repayments, however, if interest rates go down you may want to renegotiate and that may involve a penalty for early repayment of an existing loan. If you go for a variable rate then repayments can go up or down depending on where market interest rates go, so you should weigh up whether you could relatively easily afford to pay higher instalments should that be necessary. A good budget should factor these variables in before you make a final decision.