
Eden Radford

External Comms Lead


Eden Radford is the External Comms Lead for RateCity, bringing almost a decade of experience across the finance services and technology sectors. In prior years, Eden has worked with Lendi, Aussie, Xero, Qualcomm, Accenture, and Dyson, among others, while being a pillar of expertise for government clients and contracts, as well. Eden has a passion for improving financial literacy, data storytelling and helping people better understand the decisions they can make about their own finances.

125 articles written by Eden Radford

Home Loans

Cash rate on hold: how to keep your budget in the black until rate cuts eventuate

The RBA has kept the cash rate on hold for the third consecutive meeting, as Australia’s monetary policy settings work to rein in inflation.


Eden Radford -

19 Mar, 2024 -

5 min read

Credit Score

Who can access my credit report?

In Australia, only a very specific list of businesses and lenders can access your credit report - and they must only do so for specific reasons.


Eden Radford -

15 Mar, 2024 -

2 min read

Home Loans

A tale of two cities: offset balances hit a new record high as arrears climb

The latest APRA data shows money in offset accounts hitting a record high, while mortgage arrears continue to climb.


Eden Radford -

13 Mar, 2024 -

5 min read

Home Loans

Refinancing and new lending continues to slide

The home loan market cooled in the month of January, with the value of new and refinanced home loans dropping for the second consecutive month.


Eden Radford -

07 Mar, 2024 -

4 min read

Credit Cards

New year = more debt for Australian credit card holders

Household credit card debt rose by more than a quarter of a billion dollars in the month of January as shoppers struggled to clear their debts following a bumper spendathon in November.


Eden Radford -

07 Mar, 2024 -

4 min read

Home Loans

Offset accounts, the great hack?

Australians love a good life hack and offset accounts are no exception, but as with all good hacks, it’s worth double checking the details to make sure there's no catch.


Eden Radford -

06 Mar, 2024 -

4 min read

Home Loans

RBA to hold steady as inflation does the same - what borrowers can do to get a rate cut ahead of time

The latest monthly CPI indicator released today is further evidence the RBA will keep the cash rate on hold at 4.35 per cent, but borrowers are encouraged to break the holding pattern themselves.


Eden Radford -

28 Feb, 2024 -

3 min read

Savings Accounts

What you could get with the difference in interest from a high interest savings account

The interest rate on your savings account can sometimes make the difference between you having a savings goal, and you achieving it.


Eden Radford -

28 Feb, 2024 -

3 min read

Home Loans

The lowest advertised rates for your deposit size

We’ve pulled the lowest home loan rates per deposit size from over 100 home loan products on the RateCity database.


Eden Radford -

26 Feb, 2024 -

3 min read

Home Loans

How to get a rate cut

The 3 steps - and script - to help you call your bank and ask for a rate cut.


Eden Radford -

23 Feb, 2024 -

4 min read