77 articles written by Patricia Babalis

Everything you need to know about the 2017 Boxing Day sales
With the biggest shopping day of the year approaching, Australian shoppers and bargain hunters are getting ready to hit the ground running this Boxing Day.

Patricia Babalis -
25 Dec, 2017 -
5 min read

What is the refinancing Fast Track process?
In your refinancing research, you may have come across terms like Fast Track refinancing or FastRefi. These refer to a specific type of refinancing offered by some lenders, that allows the borrower to get their new loan settled in as little as three days if no physical property valuation is required.

Patricia Babalis -
05 Jan, 2017 -
3 min read

Five Christmas presents that won't break the bank
Are you worried about how your credit card will fare over Christmas? Think about giving some of these low-cost but incredibly thoughtful gifts.

Patricia Babalis -
20 Dec, 2016 -
4 min read

Top new ways to save for your holiday
We all know that travel can be expensive. By the time you add up your flights, accommodation and insurance costs it almost feels like there’s no money left to go out and enjoy the city to which you have travelled.

Patricia Babalis -
15 Dec, 2016 -
8 min read

How to best use a mortgage calculator
If you’ve started to look into getting a home loan, or refinancing your current loan, then you would have undoubtedly come across a mortgage calculator in your search. These nifty tools can be invaluable in helping you to visualise how a mortgage would fit into your current budget and whether or not you can afford the repayments comfortably.

Patricia Babalis -
13 Dec, 2016 -
5 min read

Rate rises: how the banks could ruin Christmas
Since late November, around 34 lenders have increased their interest rates on approximately 500 fixed loan products. While the rate rises have started off small, ranging from 0.05 per cent to around 0.6 percent, a trend for increasing rates has been set in motion.

Patricia Babalis -
12 Dec, 2016 -
5 min read

Should I get financial advice before I refinance?
Refinancing your home loan can seem like a big decision, considering a property is often the most expensive purchase Australians make in their lifetime. For this reason, it can seem like a good idea to get as many opinions as possible before deciding whether to refinance a loan.

Patricia Babalis -
06 Dec, 2016 -
4 min read

Can you add someone to your mortgage without refinancing?
If you’ve recently married, and you are merging your finances and assets, you may be wondering if you need to add your spouse’s name to your mortgage and whether it can be done without refinancing. The short answer to both questions is no.

Patricia Babalis -
25 Nov, 2016 -
4 min read

The 10 new Australian household tribes
The average suburban street could look very different by 2030 according to a report from the Commonwealth Bank’s Future Home Insights Series.

Patricia Babalis -
15 Nov, 2016 -
3 min read

The home loans of the future
Borrowing money to buy your own home could look very different in coming years, predicts a report from the Commonwealth Bank’s Future Home Insights Series.

Patricia Babalis -
14 Nov, 2016 -
4 min read