130 articles written by Tony Ibrahim

Tax time: How to secure an extension and get COVID-19 help
The deadline for people preparing their own taxes is October 31, but there’s plenty of options available if you haven’t had the chance to take care of the paperwork.

Tony Ibrahim -
30 Oct, 2020 -
4 min read

Banks slash interest on savings accounts ahead of a forecast rate cut
Banks are slashing the interest customers can earn on their savings in a move widely seen as preempting a cash rate cut by the nation’s central bank.

Tony Ibrahim -
30 Oct, 2020 -
3 min read

If the RBA cuts interest rates next week, will the banks pass it on?
The guardpost used by banks to set interest rates for mortgages could drop to a never before seen low, putting pressure on the big four banks to pass the savings onto homeowners.

Tony Ibrahim -
29 Oct, 2020 -
4 min read

Australian property prices grow in value for the first time since the pandemic
Houses and units both went up in value over the last quarter, according to a new report, posting gains for the first time since the pandemic put prices in freefall.

Tony Ibrahim -
29 Oct, 2020 -
5 min read

Mortgage defaults rise, Analysts warn there’s more to come
Record low property prices and decreasing loan costs haven’t helped a growing number of people who have fallen behind on their mortgage repayments, -- and the trend is only expected to get worse.

Tony Ibrahim -
28 Oct, 2020 -
5 min read

Housing at its most affordable level in a decade
Falling property prices and cheap mortgage rates have led to housing reaching its most affordable level in ten years, according to analysts.

Tony Ibrahim -
28 Oct, 2020 -
4 min read

ASIC kept in the dark on scrapping responsible lending rules
Financial regulators weren’t asked for their assessment on the scrapping of responsible lending laws before the government’s surprise announcement, according to testimony.

Tony Ibrahim -
27 Oct, 2020 -
5 min read

A quarter of Aussies believe it’s the best time to buy a property
A quarter of Australians believe the pandemic and its subsequent response has led to the perfect conditions to snap up a property, according to a bank’s research.

Tony Ibrahim -
26 Oct, 2020 -
4 min read

Melbourne property listings surge, but economists ask: are they forced sales or is it a rebound?
Melbourne experienced a 330 per cent increase in monthly sale listings, causing experts to examine whether there’s a rise in distressed sales or an economic rebound.

Tony Ibrahim -
22 Oct, 2020 -
5 min read

Australia's best new and used car loans in October 2020
Shoppers in the market for a new car arguably have more bargaining power today than they’ve had in years, as dealers are working hard to turn a 30 month trend of falling car sales.

Tony Ibrahim -
22 Oct, 2020 -
2 min read